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Eliza Emby Quinn Emerald elfgurl elfmaiden_trinity elisaakari eph |
MorriganSize: 296 kbArtist: eph Quote from the artist:"A remake of the old version, with a handful of new clothes, updated FKiSS and snap-to added."Uploaded: 2008-02-14 Nareen Demetri - BETASize: 310 kbArtist: eph Quote from the artist:"Nareen is a necromancer from my online comic Seekers. Click the handy advert to the left to read it. This is an unfinished beta version with 172 objects. It was last updated on April 9th 2012 to celebrate the comic's 9th anniversary."Uploaded: 2012-04-09 Sailor JupiterSize: 209 kbArtist: eph Quote from the artist:"A reworked version of my old Sailor Jupiter doll, with more clothes and snap-to. Drawn-on panties, so it's pretty much all ages. 270 objects."Uploaded: 2009-06-10 Sailor MoonSize: 571 kbArtist: eph Quote from the artist:"A reworked version of my old Sailor Moon doll, with snap-to and some bugfixes. Ondrawn panties, small wardrobe, some effects. 182 objects."Uploaded: 2009-11-24 Sailor Scout Creator V2Size: 362 kbArtist: eph Quote from the artist:"A reworked version of my old sailor scout creator. This one is more modular, has more colours, some new shapes and snap-to. Undies come off, but no ladyparts visible."Uploaded: 2009-04-06